
“Don’t resent people”

Association from the song title

Attack on Titan Fanal Season prt2’s new ending song “Devil’s Child” is repeated and listened to.

When I see the title “Devil’s Child”, I think of another work. It is “Dragon Quest 11” released on Switch.

The main character of Dragon Quest 11 is called the Devil’s Child and is put in prison, and is faced with a situation where it is unavoidable to resent the people when the village is burned.

Even so, I was able to live straight with my grandfather’s teaching, “Don’t resent people.”

Without that teaching, He was wondering if He would have really become a child of the devil. Great teaching, but a heavy word for me.

I’m glad that I got the valuable experience of associating another work with the song title. I feel that I have deepened my feelings for the work.